Friday, May 28, 2010

Service Learning Survey

Do you remember the Food Drive and our Combat Cookie projects? Please tell us what you think by clicking on the link above and filling out the online survey about Service Learning. After you've filled out the survey, let us know how you think the Food Drive or Combat Cookies was a learning experience by filling in the box below. Don't forget to click "Post Comment" after you finish. Thank you!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Smooth Sailing

Well, we're off to a good start. There are 20 kiddos in our class and we've gotten used to most of our routines for the most part. I am so impressed with the way they come into the room, move their lunch cards, get their DIRT boxes (Daily Independent Reading Time) and sit down to read. I still don't have much spare time yet due to learning new curriculum, but am feeling more comfortable with it.

We sent our postcards out yesterday for our exchange and are hoping to hear from other states very soon.

Our next job is to start our pen pal project. We're getting there!

Have a great day!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

The Reading Hut-Primative ;)

Okay, I didn't get finished last week as you can tell. Tomorrow I am out of town to watch my baby get sworn into the Marines, so it'll wait until Tuesday. I need to clean and straighten then I'll post more pictures.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Going to Work

I'm off to work today. Tuesday I put up my "Reading Hut" with the help of a friend. It took us ALL morning! I'll try to remember to take pictures of the hut and post later.Today I think I'll clean the classroom and try to organize and arrange. We'll see what happens. My goal is to have everything finished by tomorrow so I can relax and enjoy August (with the excpetion of a few mandatory meetings). School starts September 8 this year! Whooohooo! We are starting later than usual because the new high school won't be finished until then.